We Are One World
Hello friends. We wanted to check in on you, see how you’re faring. We’re feeling at times overwhelmed and other times hopeful. And we’re struggling to maintain a consistent sense of control in all of this uncertainty.
The population's collective attitude seems to also run the gamut of extremes: while some seem to be taking apocalyptic measures (someone please explain the toilet paper shortage to us), many others are choosing to treat the situation without enough concern.
So while we understand that you don’t need your skin care company’s advice on how to live through a pandemic, we feel it’s important to put out as much positive, supportive conversation into the world as possible, to sow calm and fertilize feelings of empathy and community. We wanted to create and share a mantra we could hold onto as we wake each morning to this crisis: Caution, Compassion, Calm.We need to control the amount of information we subject ourselves to and find that line that keeps us firmly planted in the informed and away from all-out freak-out. At times over the past week, it has been a REALLY fine line. It’s important though to find your statistics comfort intake and stick to it so you don’t fall down the rabbit hole of fear. For a bare minimum of must-have news, we suggest sticking to the organizations who are entrusted to govern exactly this kind of situation, such as the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control. Last week, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus summarized the situation in a way that was immensely reassuring when he said, “We are not at the mercy of this virus.” At the end of his presentation, he delivered a powerful message:
“Let hope be the antidote to fear.
Let solidarity be the antidote to blame.
Let our shared humanity be the antidote to our shared threat"
So we’re holding on to that. And on an individual level, let's let common sense rule our day-to-day. Let’s let this situation be the impetus to be our healthiest selves: get plenty of rest, eat well, hydrate and get outside for regular exercise and a daily dose of Vitamin D (an important source of respiratory health). And let’s remember that our mental health is every bit as important as our physical well-being. We have to do our best to maintain and disseminate calm during this emotional strain: stress is a major inhibitor to our immune systems.
Let’s also turn this situation into the onus to stay in better touch with friends and family and do as much as possible of whatever it is that distracts and uplifts us. Let’s make our personal wellness a priority and also aspire to maintain that prioritization after this dark period is safely behind us.
We hope everyone will stay well, stay calm and stay humane. Let’s all do our part in this and all of us look out for and take care of one another. Let love be the contagion that gets us through this. We are one world.
Sending you all L❤️VE.